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Wednesday, 27 July 2016

My ex wants to move abroad with my child, what can I do?

girl-486950_640No parent may remove their child from the UK without the permission of anyone else with Parental Responsibility such as another parent, or without an order from the courts.

This means that if your ex and parent of your child has decided that they wish to return to their country of birth, or start a new life somewhere abroad they must seek out your permission so long as you have Parental Responsibility.

However, if you decide that your child moving to start a life abroad is not in their best interests then you have the right to refuse their request.

Monday, 11 July 2016

Trademarks: FAQs

Trademark application In previous articles we have explained the importance and methods of protecting a business’s brand by registering the brand as a trademark . This article covers some of the most frequently asked trademark questions.

To get protection for my brand, do I need to register it as a trademark?

It is possible to claim “common law” rights for a trading name within the UK. However, it can take a significant amount of time to earn the right, your rights will be unclear, someone else could register the name as a trademark and if that did it happen it would be very costly to get the rights back. So it is highly advisable that you register your brand as a trademark as it is the best way to ensure you have the exclusive legal right to use your brand.

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

What should I do if I want to take my child on holiday and their other parent doesn’t agree?

air-mattress-704445_640Whether you are taking your children abroad for a day trip to France, a weekend in Rome or a summer long trip with your relatives in India, there are legal rules regarding taking a child out of the UK.

If your child lives with you under a Residence Order or a Child Arrangements Order then you will able to take the child abroad for up to one month.

However, if you are planning a holiday with your child and are not travelling with the other person who shares Parental Responsibility then you will need to ask for written permission, otherwise you could run the risk of being charged with child abduction.