Friday, 13 November 2015
Who are angel investors?
If your business is looking for an investment then you are likely to come across angel investors. An angel investor is someone who invests in businesses with their personal finances. Many people will probably be familiar with the concept because of the popular BBC TV series “Dragons’ Den”, where budding entrepreneurs pitch their idea to multi-millionaires with the aim of getting “the Dragons” to invest their own money in the entrepreneurs fledgling business.

Rollingsons Solicitors Ltd are a Central London law firm that focuses on building lasting relationships with clients by providing practical and effective legal solutions to problems faced by businesses, individuals and families.
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Monday, 9 November 2015
Pursuing debt outside of court
If someone is refusing to pay the money that they owe you then there are a number of considerations that you need to think about when deciding what action to take. If you are a business and owed money by another company then you might have had a long relationship together and would prefer not to sever ties with them by taking them to court. Alternatively, you might just wish to avoid the extra cost and time involved in going to court.

Rollingsons Solicitors Ltd are a Central London law firm that focuses on building lasting relationships with clients by providing practical and effective legal solutions to problems faced by businesses, individuals and families.
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Wednesday, 4 November 2015
How to deal with a housing chain
When in a property chain you will probably be in the process of selling property and also of buying a property to move into too.
The people looking to buy your home, unless they are first time buyers, are probably trying to sell their home as well and the current owners of the property you intend to buy are probably looking to a buy a new home too. This is an example of a property chain. It is stressful because this chain can be very long and if one buyer/seller has a problem with their transaction it effects everyone in the housing chain. Essentially, you are relying on the success of other people’s property transactions within your property chain in order for your transaction to succeed as well.

Rollingsons Solicitors Ltd are a Central London law firm that focuses on building lasting relationships with clients by providing practical and effective legal solutions to problems faced by businesses, individuals and families.
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