A pre-nuptial agreement is a document entered into prior marriage, in which a couple set out their rights to any property, debts, income and other assets purchased together or acquired individually or that they have bought into their relationship in the event that the relationship ends. Pre- nuptial agreements can be drawn up by couples who are about to marry or enter into a civil partnership.
Tuesday, 8 December 2009
Pre Nuptial Agreements

Rollingsons Solicitors Ltd are a Central London law firm that focuses on building lasting relationships with clients by providing practical and effective legal solutions to problems faced by businesses, individuals and families.
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Wednesday, 18 November 2009
Estate Planning - Normal Expenditure out of Income

Rollingsons Solicitors Ltd are a Central London law firm that focuses on building lasting relationships with clients by providing practical and effective legal solutions to problems faced by businesses, individuals and families.
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Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Guardianship - A Crucial Appointment in your Will

Rollingsons Solicitors Ltd are a Central London law firm that focuses on building lasting relationships with clients by providing practical and effective legal solutions to problems faced by businesses, individuals and families.
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Monday, 16 November 2009
The effect of divorce upon Wills
As always there are always exceptions to the rule!

Rollingsons Solicitors Ltd are a Central London law firm that focuses on building lasting relationships with clients by providing practical and effective legal solutions to problems faced by businesses, individuals and families.
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Friday, 13 November 2009
Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Schemes (QROPS) - A Solution to Rising Taxes

Rollingsons Solicitors Ltd are a Central London law firm that focuses on building lasting relationships with clients by providing practical and effective legal solutions to problems faced by businesses, individuals and families.
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Wednesday, 11 November 2009
Estate Planning - Varying Provision on Death

Rollingsons Solicitors Ltd are a Central London law firm that focuses on building lasting relationships with clients by providing practical and effective legal solutions to problems faced by businesses, individuals and families.
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Deed of Variation

Rollingsons Solicitors Ltd are a Central London law firm that focuses on building lasting relationships with clients by providing practical and effective legal solutions to problems faced by businesses, individuals and families.
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Tuesday, 10 November 2009
The Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975

Rollingsons Solicitors Ltd are a Central London law firm that focuses on building lasting relationships with clients by providing practical and effective legal solutions to problems faced by businesses, individuals and families.
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An Explanation Of Personal Injury (PI) Trusts Some Frequently Asked Questions
If you are in receipt of means tested benefits then you should consider having Rollingsons Solicitors set up a PI Trust for you. The following are means tested benefits:

Rollingsons Solicitors Ltd are a Central London law firm that focuses on building lasting relationships with clients by providing practical and effective legal solutions to problems faced by businesses, individuals and families.
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Discretionary Trusts - Still an ideal tool for estate management

Rollingsons Solicitors Ltd are a Central London law firm that focuses on building lasting relationships with clients by providing practical and effective legal solutions to problems faced by businesses, individuals and families.
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Friday, 6 November 2009
The Intestacy Rules
The intestacy rules govern the distribution of a person's estate if they die in England & Wales without a valid Will. The rules changed on 1st February 2009 - but what do the changes actually mean in practice? Here we summarise the key changes.

Rollingsons Solicitors Ltd are a Central London law firm that focuses on building lasting relationships with clients by providing practical and effective legal solutions to problems faced by businesses, individuals and families.
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